Michael Myers
Michael Myers is a very talented artist whose pixel art versions of iconic film characters, such as the cast of Star Wars, has been very well received by fans of the film. My favourite is of Jabba the Hutt but more of Myers' characters amongst his other work can be found on his website: Michael Myers Star Wars Pixel Art.Pac Man Ghosts
Some clever artist has created Pac Man Ghost versions of iconic film and game characters. A simple pixel artwork that has repurposed the already awesome ghost shapes to form something geekier and more fun.A Taco?
Here's a perfect example of the a common type of pixel art that would be printed on a canvas and hung up in someone's home. It's suggestive that the image formed is a taco but there is always an element of interpretation needed. Other examples of this style include pixelated bodies which are wearing swim suits that can be interpreted in different ways due to the large pixels and colour choices.Let's Finish With a Pixel Video
I thought I'd finish with a little YouTube video I found which shows what our world could be like in pixels if the pixel games merged with reality. It is evidently titled Pixels by director Patrick Jean.If you have any favourite pieces of pixel art please share them in the comments section and I'll share them via Twitter if I'm a fan. Enjoy...